Why no investigation in India?
Moog Corporation gave 500,000 US Dollars (Half a Million US Dollars) to HAL and Indian Railway officials.
It was caught by US SEC. It paid 1,680,000 US Dollars (1.68 Million US Dollars) to escape prosecution in the US.
IT Giant Oracle Corporation paid 6,800,000 US Dollars (6.8 Million US Dollars) to officials of Indian Railways, organizations in UAE and Turkey.
It was caught by US SEC (Securities and Exchanges Commission, a body that does the same work as SEBI + ED in India). It paid 23,000,000 USD (Twenty Three Million US Dollars) to SEC to escape prosecution.
A US based chemical manufacturing company , Albemarle Corporation, paid 63,500,000 USD (Sixty Three point Five Million USD) to officials of Indian Oil for taking their product used in oil refining process.
It was caught by US SEC and paid 198,000,000 USD (One Hundred Ninety Eight Million US Dollars) to SEC to escape prosecution.
Moog Corporation gave bribes worth 500,000 USD (4.2 Crores INR) and ended up paying 1.68 Million as penalty. That translates to 14.11 Crores INR as penalty. The culprit was HAL.
Oracle had to pay 1.68 Million USD (or 57.12 Crores INR) as penalty.
The question is that all these organizations accepted the charges and paid penalties to escape prosecution, but did you hear any organization or any individual being prosecuted in India?
Has Indian government banned any of these organizations from operating in India? Is Oracle, Moog Corporation or Albemarle Corporation in any black list? Are they being investigated?
The answer is in the negative. All these organizations continue to operate in India. None of the companies or officials that received the bribes, HAL, Indian Oil, Indian Railways (South Central Railway) is under any investigation.
Not only did Albermale Corporation bribe officials of Government enterprises, they also bribed the officials of a private refinery to get orders!
The US SEC punished these companies and recovered almost 300% as penalty.
Where is all the hoopla of the Narendra Modi Government that he will not allow any corruption?
All these acts of corruption have taken place right under his nose. Some of them have happened in the years preceding 2014. No matter when the events took place, it is the duty of the current government to eliminate corruption, arrest and prosecute all those who took the bribes.
Narendra Modi had the opportunity to catch these bribe takers and take the moral high ground, yet the opportunity has been squandered.
The corruption in these government run enterprises would have eliminated other vendors leading to price escalation of things purchased and these in turn would have led to outflow of precious foreign exchange.
It was the duty of the present government to have acted on information that is now in public domain about the acts of corruption by Moog Corporation, Oracle and Albermale Corporation. It should have black listed these companies and launched investigations into the bribery scandal.
All we hear is pin-drop silence. It seems all is well, while the truth is all is in the well.