Dr. Vishal Gupta (Lifeline Hospital) in Vadodara had made a rather exceptional name in the city.
According to many, the doctor was one who could be classified as one of the ‘go-to’ general physicians in the area.
The stronghold this doctor had in the medical field had not only drawn in patients from in and around the vicinity but from across the city as well.
But he is not the only doctor who has died since the fight against Corona started in our public and private hospitals.
And the Government of India, also known as Modi Sarkar, is responsible for all the deaths that have taken place due to Corona outbreak in the country.
The Government of India failed to act in time and lock the doors of the country. The first case reported world wide as an epidemic was way back in December 2019. Even when the Government had prior experience of tackling H1N1 and the experience of knowing how a delay could impact the country, it did not respond.
By the time it responded, 24.03.2020, almost 4 months to the date, it was too late. The virus was well on its way to create devastation. The fudged figures show this. Today we have more than 45000+ active cases being added every day to our tally. Soon India will surpass (even with fudged figures) the total new cases being reported in US, another country that is led by an arrogant and ill-informed leader, Donald Trump.
It has been a story of spectacular failure of Modi Sarkar. The citizens were given to believe that doing certain acts at certain time of the day would lead to elimination of Corona. And the citizens trusted the government, went along with it. Today the citizens feel like fools to have trusted the government.
Look at the smiling face of this doctor. He must have spent a good part of his life becoming a doctor and then he was on the front line and he is dead now.
And our Government killed him. Had the government acted in time all those who have died on the front line, doctors, nurses, policemen, civic officials and the patients, all of them would have been alive today.

Report filed by Spandal Patel from Bharuch, Gujarat